Where Leadership and Missions Meet
When WMU established the WMU Training School in 1907 in Louisville, Kentucky, to train women for Christian ministry and missions, it embarked on the task of equipping women for the sake of the Gospel.
Today, we stand committed to walk alongside women, students, men, and all missions leaders in their leadership development. Our desire is to help you create an environment in your church that keeps the Great Commission Priority and mobilizes all ages to live on mission.
Need person training or consultation? Contact Kentucky WMU to set up a consultation with one of our state staff or regional trainers.
Would you like to set up a training for your group leaders? Contact us to set up a regional/local one-day Age-level training. Group specific training determined by needs.
Would you like to network with other Associational and local church WMU missions leaders? LeadWell provides leadership training, WMU training, and much more.
Are you looking for on-the-spot training? We have a variety of training videos for you to enrich your leadership journey. View our video training library and get plugged in today!
Christian Women’s Leadership Center exists to help Christian women discover and develop their leadership gifts and skills.
Our holistic learning experiences will help you serve more effectively, as God calls you in life, the marketplace, and the church
CWLC’s online courses available on christianleaderlearning.com are developed to help you improve your leadership skills and gifts.
Each course provides interactive assignments to deepen your learning. Assignments include reading assignments, watching short instructional videos, and completing online reflections. Once you sign up for a course, it is available to you for 30 days and you can complete the assignments at your own pace within that 30 days.
Cost per course range from $20-$30
For a complete list of course offerings, visit christianleaderlearning.com.
Christian Job Corp
Project Help
Compassion Ministries
Leadership Foundations
Missional Foundations
Missions Discipleship
13420 Eastpoint Centre Dr., Louisville, Kentucky 40223
Phone: (502) 489-3534 | Email: [email protected]